
Reading #11 Ladder

Reading #11 Ladder

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By combining primitives and assigning constraints to them, Ladder allows users to describe higher level Symbols. The users are asked to only write the description of the domain the system is being used.  This description includes how shapes are drawn, displayed and edited in that domain. This description are limited to shapes with fixed graphical grammar, composed by primitive constrains already in Ladder. Ladder prefers shapes with high regularity and fewer details.

The shape definition includes components, constraints, alias, editing behavior and display method. According to these parts, the description can be translated into shape recognizers.

it is very interesting to generate recognizer for different domain by just defining the description and constraint of that domain. While,the user needs to be familiar themselves with this language and the limited number of primitives may constrict the user.

1 条评论:

  1. The ability of generating LADDER description from drawing is more attractive to me. It is like reading fromthe sketch.
